Is the orca playing with the boat or is it an orca attack?

Is the orca playing with the boat or is it an orca attack?

Iberian orcas have been involved in incidents of boat damage along the Spanish and Portuguese coasts since July 2020. These repeated interactions seem to target medium-sized sailboats, making the situation even more intriguing as these large animals appear to distinguish between types of vessels.

At least 11 juvenile orcas and four adult females are believed to engage in these interactions. In some cases, boats sustained significant damage, and in a few instances, boats even sank. According to experts, in most cases, the interactions primarily focus on the boat's rudder. In some cases after damaging the rudder, water enters, leading to the boat's sinking.
Science cannot precisely explain why Iberian orcas engage in this behavior, but many marine scientists suggest that it is more about playing rather than aggression. Recent research from the American Psychological Association shows that orcas have personality traits similar to humans and chimpanzees, including playfulness, cheerfulness, and affection.
We humans also enjoy playing games, such as football, video games, or even sailing, which can be a grand adventure. However, when such massive animals join in the game, it can be quite dangerous, as they can reach lengths of 5.5 to 10 meters and weigh up to 5,500 kg.
Experts recommend stopping the boat and seeking help when these interactions occur. These encounters can last up to 40 minutes. It's essential to remember that these orcas are more interested in chasing tunas for food than constantly focusing on the boat.

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