National port strategy adopted by the federal government.

National port strategy adopted by the federal government.

Christian Klumpp

Christian Klumpp

A national port strategy was adopted by the federal government last Wednesday. The paper, which was drawn up with the participating federal ministries, federal states, associations and the trade union ver.di, provides for around 140 measures. The aim is to strengthen the competitiveness of German seaports and inland ports.

The federal government intends to lobby the EU for a uniform interpretation of the tonnage tax by 2028 at the latest.

According to the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs, the implementation process will be initiated immediately following the publication of the National Ports Strategy with the parties involved to date.

The current import sales tax model is to be evaluated as quickly as possible and options for its further development are to be developed. A feasibility study on cooperation between ports from a legal and financial perspective is also to be carried out by 2028.

However, the question of port financing remains open.

Angela Tietzrath, President of the German Seaport Association (Zentralverband der deutschen Seehafenbetriebe e.V.) says that: "The seaports have been politically neglected for far too long. They are the most important transshipment points for goods in Germany and are therefore indispensable for our economy and the supply of goods to people in this country. That is why we need to invest consistently in maintaining and expanding the port infrastructure and the associated transport infrastructure over the next few years - politicians urgently need to make improvements,"

More information on the paper at:

Image: Freepik/example image/port

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